

The first Rule.

Make sure you like Angling before you buy any tackle.

Sounds stupid but tackle now-a-days is expensive and if you decide you don’t like it resale values are very small, because most tackle now is quite fragile and people are more liable to buy new to make sure its not damaged.


Second Rule.

Watch TV/DVD’s —Discovery Channel / Home and Leisure they have Matt Hayes and others who cover European styles of fishing  

BUT whatever you do take no notice of  The Australian programmes ( i.e. Rex Hunt)  they do not handle fish gently as most of their catch are for the pot and




In this country we have WEILS Disease which KILLS anglers and comes from Rats urine. Don’t forget there are more rats in the UK than humans


Third Rule

Read Magazines “Angling Times” and “Improve Your Course Fishing” in paper and then there’s

“Fishing Magic” , “Total Fishing”, on-line to name a few there are more have a look for them and see what YOU like just type Angling into Google and search UK .

Fourth Rule

Get on the web join a web forum


If I  was to try to tell you more than a simple little piece about angling I would need at least 200MB of web space ,

so I will help you the same way I was helped (??? yes I was)


1/       You have a rod and reel or pole

2/        You have a hook on the end of a hook length ( smaller breaking strain than your mainline)

3/       Present your bait to the fish NATURALLY ( i.e. it sinks as if it was not on a line)

4/       Don’t snatch at a bite do it gently (as if stroking a pussy take it either way)

5/       Don’t try to catch big fish until you can catch little fish

6/       Watch how others are catching, chat to them, some may be miserable so and so’s

    but most will help you out            .


There are so many baits now it is bewildering even for the experienced angler at times but start with maggots then try another bait each time you go, learn what is used on that particular water BUT always try something new.  

Fish DO have a memory longer than 3 seconds and they remember what causes them problems so after a while a  particular bait doesn’t work, especially when Carp fishing.


Most of all when you ARE fishing watch everything around you and learn what the weather is doing, what the season is what natural food is available

When that Robin comes back to pinch the maggots out of your bait-tub, or the Kingfisher uses your carp rod as a perch to dive into the lake from!

It all counts as to whether you will catch fish or not or be happy or not.  

There is also the spot on the lake or river that is difficult to cast to overhung with branches that are full of floats and ledger bombs , you can bet heaps of money that IS a fish holding spot that not everyone can get to.

Most of all if you have the time,  take part in the Angling Clubs work as you will learn far more about the fish that way  (when you are chest deep in cold muddy water clearing weeds and broken tackle and that BIG carp keeps drifting past just to make your day …..NOT!!)


Remember to enjoy yourself don’t become so engrossed in the “art” of fishing that you miss the “fun”


Also worth remembering is  80% of the tackle in the shop is to catch YOU not fish